Opinion Article - INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF THE AGRICULTURAL WORLD ( 2022) Volume 1, Issue 1

Importance of agriculture in life

AB Rehman*
Department of Agriculture Economics and Management, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou, China
*Corresponding Author:
AB Rehman, Department of Agriculture Economics and Management, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou, China, Email:

Received: 28-Jan-2022, Manuscript No. IJBB-22-59615; Editor assigned: 02-Feb-2022, Pre QC No. IJBB-22-59615(PQ); Reviewed: 21-Feb-2022, QC No. IJBB-22-59615; Revised: 28-Feb-2022, Manuscript No. IJBB-22-59615(R); Published: 07-Mar-2022, DOI: 10.15651/IRAW.22.1.03.


Agriculture has been associated with the production of essential food crops. At present, agriculture above and beyond farming includes forestry, dairy, fruit cultivation, poultry, beekeeping, mushroom, arbitrary, etc. Are all acknowledged as part of current agriculture. Thus, agriculture could be referred to as the production, processing, promotion, and distribution of agricultural products. Agriculture plays a critical role in the entire life of a given economy. Agriculture is the backbone of the economic system of a given country. In addition to providing food and raw material, agriculture also provides employment opportunities to a very large percentage of the population. Go Through This Article to Know More About the Agriculture Important. In most parts of the world, agriculture is an important source of livelihood. This entails hard work, but it contributes to the nation’s food safety and health. Agriculture was the primary source of the economy prior to the industrial revolution. With many trade options coming up, many are dependent on their income on agriculture. Many raw materials, whether it’s cotton, sugar, wood, or palm oil, come from agriculture. These materials are essential to major industries in ways many people aren’t even aware of, such as the manufacturing of pharmaceuticals, diesel fuel, plastic, and more. In fact, raw materials are so important in production that the economic health of a country strongly depends on how many raw materials it possesses.

Raw materials from agriculture make up a huge portion of what’s traded internationally. Countries with plenty of those supplies export them and trade for materials they don’t have. If a country’s agriculture suffers for some reason, prices can go up and it disrupts the flow of trade. The agricultural industry is still one of the biggest sources of employment and in many areas, it’s actually booming. Whether it’s working as a farmer, harvester, technician for farm equipment, scientist, and so on, there are plenty of jobs available in this field. In developing countries, agricultural jobs help reduce high rates of unemployment.

When it comes to reducing poverty, evidence shows that focusing on agriculture is significantly more effective than investing in other areas. Agriculture is such an important part of a country’s infrastructure, it makes sense it would impact conflicts and war. Throughout history, the need for land to grow food fueled many conflicts. In more modern times, specifically WWI, America’s farming industry boomed because they needed to supply Europe with agricultural products. For countries that don’t have assistance, war can break down the agricultural sector, affecting people for decades to come. They are distributed by agriculture as grams and other leguminous goods. Such commodities include beans, pulses such as black gram, Bengal gram, green gram, etc. Other protein sources such as beef, fish, and dairy are also dependent on farming. Protein from vegetarian sources is cheap and healthy without the risk of disease. People, therefore, rely on protein from agriculture for their daily needs. It is essential to supply energy, body structure, and heat with fats and oils. These can be obtained by growing sunflower, groundnut, mustard, sesame, etc. from agriculture. Fruits: fruits have organic and intact food content because they don’t need to cook. Children, the elderly and sick people make them digestible. Grapefruits are also used to make wine.


Agriculture is the world’s leading source of food items. All the food substances that is essential. Agriculture produces vegetables, proteins, and oils. The carbohydrates provide all living beings with energy. These are produced in the form of grains that grow in farms such as rice, wheat, and potatoes. It’s helpful to build our body with proteins. When discussing agriculture, it’s impossible to not at least mention its connection to conflict. When it comes to pollution and climate change, the environment and agriculture suffer the quickest and with the clearest consequences. If effective changes aren’t made, climate change’s impact on agriculture will decimate a country’s economy and eventually wipe out the food supply.