Journal of Educational Administration and Management

Ibrahim Osman Sesay

Department of Administration and Management, Kofi Annan University of Guinea, Nongo, Guinea


  • Case Study   
    Poor communication affects the operational growth of an institution: Case study of Pavifor Sierra Leone and Gambia
    Author(s): Ibrahim Osman Sesay*

    In today’s world, communication is an important component of organization’s activity. Because the global world has become widespread, most organizations need to meet their needs with a lower resource moral through communication. This study examines the significant relationship between communication and workers’ performance in some selected organizations in West Africa countries, Europe and Aisha countries. For the study were collected through questionnaire with sample population of 500 respondents. The result of this study reveals that a relationship exists between effective communication and workers’ performance, productivity and commitment. The study recommended that managers will need to communicate with employees regularly to improve workers commitment and performance... Read More»
    DOI: 10.15651/2465-7204.23.9.001

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