In vitro discovery of highly chelatable root extract of thorn apple (Datura stramonium)


Olabinri B. M.*, Fatunwase I. O. and Olabinri P. F

This study investigated the in vitro chelating ability, antioxidant activity, total phenolic and flavonoid contents of 70% ethanolic extract of thorn apple (Datura stramonium). The ethanolic root extract of the plant displayed potent chelating ability (70%) at the lowest concentration (2%) investigated. The chelating ability of the extract showed concentration dependency. There were significant decreases in vitro chelating ability of the root extract from 2 to 10% concentrations (P0.05) and significant from 8 to 10% (P0.05). The ethanolic root extract failed chelate ion at the highest concentration (10%) (- 20.0% activity).


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