
Pineda Tovar Ma

Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the cause of death in adults in Mexico and in the world. Currently, cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in women over 50 years of age in Mexico and around the world after 60 years, one in 3 women and one in 4 men suffer a heart attack. Its timely detection allows to establish an optimal treatment. SPECT-GATED myocardial perfusion studies play an important role in its diagnosis, with them it is possible to analyze coronary perfusion, mobility and thickening of the walls of the left ventricle. Those that are strong evidence of coronary artery disease. In this case Interesting of: Female patient, A 60 years old female patient with diabetes, high blood pressure and overweight was referred for a cardiac scan, for suspicion of ischemia. Her symptoms were general tiredness, lack of energy and occasionally light chest pain. In this case. A SPECT-gated myocardial perfusion pharmacological test was done. The images where acquired with a gamma camera after the injection of 10 mCi (stress) and 20 mCi (Rest) of 99mTc-Tetrofosmin. Images were reconstructed using Emory toolbox.

Material and method: SPECT Myocardial Perfusion with 99mTc. Tetrofosmin showed no changes in the electrocardiogram, and the perfusion images showed light hypoperfusion in the septal and inferior walls and a small left ventricular chamber size with tickened walls. The eyecty fraction was �?� 65 % without mobility alterations Cardiac catheterization showed: MTI: bifurcated, LDA: with diffuse atherosclerotic didease and obstruction between 50 % and 90. CXA: is dominant with atherosclerotic obstructive lesions of 75% in proximal, medial and distal segments. RCA: showed several significative atherosclerotic lesions. That means, the angiographyc showed significant multivessel difusse coronary stenosis.

Conclusión: The underrecognition and underdiagnosis of coronary artery diseases in woman suffering coronary artery disease become a high rates of mortality in woman because the symptoms are more subtle an frecuently are minimysed Myocardial-SPECT perfusion studies are used as a non-invasive functional enchiqué for diagnosing coronary artery diseases. And they have enormous predictive value for ischemic events. Identify women with high risk of Coronary Artery Disease. Influencing the selection for invasive procedures or medical treatment, in order to establish a timely and erarly the optimal treatment for the patient and improve their survival It is very important to evaluate the risk factors (diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, obesity, lifestyle, sedentary, smoking, obesity, hipercolesterolemia and patient symptoms.


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