Expanded use of the dermatoscope and otoscope in the physician's office


Sody A. Naimer1* and Jacob Urkin2

The basis of two commonly used utensils in family practice is the compilation of a magnifying component with a light source. The otoscope is designed to illuminate and examine the depth of a narrow cavity, while the dermatoscope is intended for examining the superficial skin surface. This paper provides an overview of ancillary application of these tools for additional clinical indications. The present article describes novel methods of instrument assisted examination helping to bring about a faster, more accurate diagnostics for clinical conditions proven difficult to recognize. Photographic depiction of classic examples is presented. A review of professional literature is quoted if existent. In clinical instances where the chosen instrument was utilized for examination, it consistently conferred greater security of detecting pathology. The diagnostic process was facilitated with insignificant time consumption. The authors recommend the busy physician incorporation of readily available tools for a wider range of applications, whenever superior visualization is assumed beneficial. Although most of the current available knowledge on this topic is either non-existent or based on single observations and small case studies rather than controlled trials, an increasing interest in this field is mounting and we expect it to gain greater popularity.


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