Global Educational Journal of Science and Technology

Commentary - Global Educational Journal of Science and Technology ( 2022) Volume 10, Issue 1

Approaches of fluorescence technologies in chemical biology

Karishma Senge*
Department of Biology, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Rajasthan, India
*Corresponding Author:
Karishma Senge, Department of Biology, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Rajasthan, India, Email:

Received: 05-Apr-2022, Manuscript No. GEJST-22-64012; Editor assigned: 08-Apr-2022, Pre QC No. GEJST-22-64012; Reviewed: 22-Apr-2022, QC No. GEJST-22-64012; Revised: 29-Apr-2022, Manuscript No. GEJST-22-64012; Published: 06-May-2022, DOI: 10.15651/2465-7190.22.10.001


Chemical biology combines the disciplines of bio organic chemistry, biochemistry, cell biology, and pharmacology to investigate the chemicals and chemical reactions that occur during biological processes. Compounds such as lipids, carbohydrates, and metals, and also non-natural probe or medication molecules, are frequently used to acquire mechanistic insight into biological problems. It consists of chemical tools, analysis, and occasionally tiny compounds synthesized by synthetic chemistry to study and manipulate biological processes. Chemical biology is one of a number of multidisciplinary studies that differs from older, reductive fields by attempting to attain a scientific holism blueprint. Chemical biology has scientific, historical, and philosophical roots in medicine, super molecular chemistry, bioorganic chemistry, pharmacology, genetics, biochemistry, and metabolic engineering. Chemical biology benefit from these abilities because of non-natural amino acids are frequently used to test and alter the functionality of proteins, and post-translational modifications are wellknown for managing protein structure and activity. To achieve these goals, biological approaches are being developed. Chemical peptide synthesis has reduced technical and practical barrier to obtaining small amounts of the desired protein. Chemical biologists employ natural chemical ligation to construct protein-sized polypeptide chains from small peptide fragments created by synthesis. A C-terminal triple ester and an N-terminal cysteine residue are coupled via native chemical ligation, resulting in the production of a "native" amide bond. Expressed protein ligation, sulfurization/desulfurization procedures, and the use of detachable thiol auxiliaries are some of the other methodologies employed for ligation of peptide fragments employing the acyl transfer chemistry first presented with native chemical ligation. The biotechnological installation of a C-terminal thio ester via expressed protein ligation permits the attachment of an artificial N-terminal peptide to the recombinant produced C-terminal region. Both sulfurization/desulfurization procedures, as well as the use of removable thiol auxiliaries, entail the placement of an artificial thiol moiety to maintain the quality of the native chemical ligation chemistry, followed by the removal of the auxiliary thiol.

Fluorescence technology is frequently used in chemical biology to investigate the function of biopolymers. Fluorescence has a number of advantages over other approaches, including high sensitivity, non-invasiveness, safe detection, and the ability to alter the fluorescence signal. Roger's creation of green fluorescent protein, hybrid systems, and quantum dots has made it possible to more precisely measure protein placement and performance in recent years. Small organic dyes, green fluorescent proteins, and quantum dots are the three types of fluorophores used. Small organic dyes with a molecular weight of less than 1 kDa are changed to improve photo stability, brightness, and self-quenching. Quantum dots have an extremely narrow wavelength, a high molar extinction coefficient, and a high quantum yield.

Both organic and quantum dyes lack the ability to recognize the protein of interest without the aid of antibodies, necessitating the employment of immunological labeling. Fluorescent proteins are genetically encoded proteins that can be coupled to your target protein. Protein tracking, conformational changes, protein–protein interactions, protein synthesis and turnover, and enzyme activity, among other things, are all assessed using fluorescent approaches. Single particle tracking, correlation spectroscopy, and photo labeling are three typical methods for studying protein network redistribution and diffusion. Individual molecules must be light and scarce enough to be tracked from one video to the next in single-particle tracking. The intensity changes caused by fluorescent objects migrating into and out of a small volume at the laser's main target are studied using correlation spectroscopy. In photo marking, a fluorescent protein is frequently DE quenched in a subcellular location by intense local light, and the fate of the marked molecule is therefore frequently seen directly.