Molecular genetics of ammonia oxidizing bacteria in anoxic environment


Hiral Borasiya and Maulin P Shah

The ammonia oxidation potential in anoxic marine sediments are anaerobic oxidation Nitrosomonasorganisms, such as the use of nitrogen dioxide, the coupling of the nitrification, the reduction of manganese, and anaerobic ammonium oxidation by Planctomycetes. The present study mainly depicts the presence microbial communities with the potential to carry out these processes in a natural system of effluent treatment plant. The natural microbial communities Planctomycetales-Verrucomicrobia and and proteobacterial ammonia oxidizing bacteria were characterized by analysis of 16S rRNA genes amplified using group specific primers by PCR and PCR amplification by reverse transcription of the 16S rDNA and RNA, respectively. The amplification products were analyzed by sequencing of clones and electrophoresis on denaturing gradient gel. Banding patterns 16S rDNA DGGE complex communities Indicated oxidizing bacteria anoxic proteobacterial ammonia in marine sediments. Phylogenetic analysis of sequences from clones and those excised from DGGE gels suggests domination 1-pole Nitrosospira organisms and strains as belonging to a novel cluster represented in mainstream bands in 16S rRNA DGGE banding patterns. Their presence indicates a group of organisms closely related to the oxidizing bacteria -proteobacterial recognized ammonia that can be selected in anoxic environments and may be capable of oxidation of ammonia anoxic. Sequence analysis of libraries and sequences planctomycete clones excised from DGGE gels also demonstrated a diverse microbial community and suggested the presence new subdivisions, but no sequence relating to recognized organizations anammox was detected.

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