Cytokines expression profiling as a window into hypoxia SH-SY5Y cells treated with N-butyl extract of Potentilla anserina L.


Hong-Sheng Gao, Hui-Min Guo, Yi-Zheng Wang, Hong Chen, Yong-Liang Zhang , Ling-zhi Li and Jing Sun

Potentilla anserina L. is the root of Chinese cinquefoil herb of the Rosaceae family, and its ethanol extract improves the immunity and exhibits anti-fatigue and anti-hypoxia properties. This study aimed to explore the cytokines expression profiling and the effect of n-butanol extract of P. anserina L. (NP) on the hypoxia cells. The subjects were divided into three groups: control, hypoxia, and intervention (the group treated with the n-butyl extract of P. anserina L. under the condition of hypobaric hypoxia) groups. The results of the experiment showed that NP could down-regulate the expression of the proinflammatory cytokines of hypoxia SH-SY5Y cells and meantime up-regulate the expression of inhibitive cytokines of immune reaction. The cytokines expression profiling can be deduced as a window into hypoxia SH-SY5Y cells, and n-butyl extract of P. anserina L. can significantly protect the cell against the hypoxia induced damage set up in vitro by sodium dithionite.


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